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공지 South China Morning Post - Don’t Worry Village: inside Korea’s retreat for stressed millennials

언론사: South China Morning Post

날짜: 2020년 1월 11일

본문 보기: https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/lifestyle-culture/article/3045609/dont-worry-village-welcome-south-koreas-retreat

Mokpo, on the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula, is a world away from South Korea’s bustling capital of Seoul.

Though historically a major transport and industrial hub, the port city of 230,000 people has lost much of its former prominence in recent years and is now dotted with numerous abandoned buildings.

Which made it the perfect location for 33-year-old entrepreneur Hong Dong-woo to start Don’t Worry Village – a home away from home for young Koreans exhausted by big-city living or looking for a place to figure out their next steps in life.

After moving to Mokpo in 2017, Hong started work on creating his youth community of the future – inspired by the people he had met while working as a “road-trip companion”.

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