글로벌 사회혁신 모델, 괜찮아마을

괜찮아마을 세계적으로 주목받고 있습니다.

공지 방송 NHK WORLD - A Life-changing Week: South Korea's Don't Worry Village
2021-07-06 조회 1272
공지 신문 South China Morning Post - Don’t Worry Village: inside Korea’s retreat for stressed millennials
2020-01-23 조회 2644
공지 신문 BBC - The young Koreans pushing back on a culture of endurance
2020-01-09 조회 2233
공지 신문 The Times(UK) - Success-obsessed South Korea embraces failure
2019-11-25 조회 2249
공지 신문 Quartz - South Korea’s success-obsessed culture is finally reckoning with its dark side
2019-11-21 조회 2072
논문 양주은 - [논문] The Significance of the Youth Targeted Retreat Program That Alleviates the Hard Life of Korean Youth The Case of Don't Worry Village in Korea
2020-11-05 조회 1408
논문 논문 - 쉬어도, 실패해도 괜찮은 마을 : 목포 괜찮아마을
2018-11-15 조회 2620
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